If you watched and read the links I posted in the Artificial Intelligence article you probably believe that Super Intelligence might become reality rather sooner than later. Today I found an article trying to provide arguments against this: The Singularity is Further Than it Appears.
A short list of arguments:
- Super Intelligence will not create the next level of Super Intelligence very fast, because this is not a linear problem.
- There is no incentive for companies to create human level intelligence at the moment.
- There are some ethical reasons we have to face when we build a truly sentient AI: Can we turn it off? Would that be murder? Can we experiment on it? Does it deserve privacy? What if it starts asking for privacy? Or freedom? Or the right to vote?
- Uploading our brains to a computer is still a far away dream. At the moment we are able to "simulate" a cat brain but it runs 600 times slower than the real one and it's missing a lot of features the real brain has - so the simulation is far for being complete. Even with this incomplete simulation, we have to wait until 2035 or 2040 to have the hardware we need to simulate a brain similar to human brain in size.
via HN